Notes of Diagnosing Learning Algorithm

Notes of Diagnosing Learning Algorithm


  • Training set: 60%
  • Cross validation set: 20%
  • Test set: 20%

\(\displaystyle J_{test}(\theta) = \frac{1}{2m_{test}} \sum_{i=1}^{m_{test}} \left( h_\theta(x_{test}^{(i)}) - y_{test}^{(i)} \right) ^ 2\)

Bias and Variance

  • High bias (underfit): \(J_{train}(\theta)\) will be high and \(J_{CV}(\theta) \approx J_{train}(\theta)\)
  • High variance (overfit): \(J_{train}(\theta)\) will be low and \(J_{CV}(\theta) \gg J_{train}(\theta)\)

Learning Curves

plot(1:m, \(J_{train}(\theta)\), 1:m, \(J_{CV}(\theta)\))

  • Experiencing high bias:
  • Low training set size: \(J_{train}(\theta)\) will be low and \(J_{CV}(\theta)\) will be high
  • Large training set size: both \(J_{train}(\theta)\) and \(J_{CV}(\theta)\) will be high with \(J_{train}(\theta) \approx J_{CV}(\theta)\)
  • Experiencing high variance:
  • Low training set size: \(J_{train}(\theta)\) will be low and \(J_{CV}(\theta)\) will be high
  • Large training set size: \(J_{train}(\theta)\) increases with training set size and \(J_{CV}(\theta)\) continues to decrease without leveling off, also \(J_{train}(\theta) < J_{CV}(\theta)\) but the difference between them remains significant

Deciding What to Do Next

  • Getting more training examples: Fixes high variance
  • Trying smaller sets of features: Fixes high variance
  • Adding features: Fixes high bias
  • Adding polynomial features: Fixes high bias
  • Decreasing \(\lambda\): Fixes high bias
  • Increasing \(\lambda\): Fixes high variance

Error Analysis

  • Start with a simple algorithm, implement it quickly, and test it early on your cross validation data
  • Plot learning curves to decide if more data, more features, etc. are likely to help
  • Manually examine errors on examples in cross validation set and try to spot a trend where most of errors were made

Precision and Recall

actual 1 actual 0
predicted 1 true positive false positive
predicted 0 false negative true negative

\(\text{accuracy} = \dfrac{tp + tn}{tp + tn + fp + fn}\)

\(\text{precision} = \dfrac{tp}{tp + fp}\)

\(\text{recall} = \dfrac{tp}{tp + fn}\)

\(F_1 = \dfrac{2 \cdot precision \cdot recall}{precision + recall}\)